Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment and the Trump Era’s Republicans

Ronald Reagan was a complex character, worthy of deeper research, not offhanded calumny. His complexity was so great that even his widely acclaimed biographer, Edmund Morris, chose to depict him with a historical-novel approach incorporating fictional elements. It’s sometimes hard to discern what is real and what is Reagan.  

History has judged that Reagan — the man, not the myth — saved Social Security and helped to end the Cold War. He was the right man at the right time to prepare the United States geopolitically for its peace dividend and unipolar moment. In 2004, Ronald Reagan rode into the sunset but it was still “morning in America,” thanks to him. 

National moods are subject to change. Shifting political tides can bring foul upwellings. The nation is now in a reflective, Afghan-loss, China-challenged, Ukraine war-induced and pandemic-polarized phase. At least one 2024 Republican presidential candidate says Reagan’s morning has turned to darkness. READ MORE

If we go to war with Iran, blame President Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter may be the one to blame if President Trump goes to war with Iran, thanks to his handed-down Carter Doctrine

The 94-year old ex-president is recovering from a turkey shoot hip injury, but while he was in the White House refusing to pardon Thanksgiving turkeys, he changed the course of America’s Iran policy.


Carter asserted that any nation trying to control the Persian Gulf or restrict the free-flow of oil through the Straits of Hormuz was acting against America’s “vital interests.” Carter articulated this message near the end of his presidency and at a time when revolutionary Iran held the United States hostage and the Soviets militarily occupied Afghanistan.

The message to Iran and the USSR was clear: Make a move on the neighborhood, mess with shipping, slow the flow of oil and risk going to war with the United States. READ MORE