Will Guiadó's uprising save Venezuela?
This is either the beginning of a "Latin Spring" or a rerun of the Bay of Pigs crisis.
View my analysis of the dynamic events unfolding in Venezuela with CBS News anchor Tanya Rivero.
This is either the beginning of a "Latin Spring" or a rerun of the Bay of Pigs crisis.
View my analysis of the dynamic events unfolding in Venezuela with CBS News anchor Tanya Rivero.
Venezuela’s Interim President Juan Guaidó and questionably-elected President Nicolás Maduro are gunning for each other, but with no intention to shoot. In Hollywood, this is called a “Mexican standoff.”
Guaidó is confronting the Maduro government with an army of motivated street protesters. Maduro has deployed a largely unmotivated Venezuelan army. Both leaders currently know that they need to refrain from using violence not only to save themselves, but also their country.
If logic and reason rule, then they will keep their powder dry, come to an accommodation, and peacefully solve the current crisis. Logic and reason, however, rarely rule in such high-stakes gamesmanship. READ MORE