A solution to eliminate chemical weapons
Gassing children is abhorrent. Killing children in any way is abhorrent, but President Donald Trump said he was particularly moved by the images of the recent Syrian chemical weapons attack. That is understandable because the use of chemical weapons in warfare is arguably worse than other types of wartime battlefield killing.
Inert 105 mm shells are ready to enter an explosive destruction system used for chemical munitions inside the Pueblo Chemical Depot in southern Colorado. President Donald Trump should build a coalition of military powers to accelerate the destruction of chemical weapons in the U.S. arsenal and around the world. Brennan Linsley Associated Press file
The reason: Modern killing by chemicals is a cruel and calculated way to destroy humans but preserve physical structures, roads and machines. A warmonger who wants to preserve infrastructure but destroy the lives of opposing armies, collaborating civilians and innocent bystanders has decided that life is cheap but buildings are not. Read More.