Fear of doctors, vaccines in California and around the world
Doctors take a pledge to “First, do no harm.” This credo is derived from the Hippocratic oath – a sworn solemn duty doctors make when they embark on their career. The Hippocratic oath is nothing to sneeze at; few other professions require a swearing of allegiance to a millennia-old professional ethical and moral code.
Modern society deeply depends on doctors. Which is why recent international reactions against doctors – from mistrust to outright attack – represent a disturbing trend that can not only lead to an immediate threat to global health workers but also precipitate that all-feared outbreak of an uncontrollable epidemic.
Fear of doctors and vaccine programs is a worldwide phenomenon, from developing nations to the United States. American trepidation toward state-mandated vaccines in school drew demonstrators last week against California legislation. Protesters came to the capital to fight a change in immunization exemptions. Celebrities added fuel to the fire. Read more...