Warm water, cold reality, new frontier for exploiting resources

Big-screen “Noah,” the box office hit, presents the Biblical story of near apocalypse and indifference to God’s warnings. Small-screen NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, regularly warns of impending man-made environmental doom on its climate.gov website.

The submarine USS New Mexico surfaces through the ice during a Navy exercise in the Arctic Ocean last month. Scientists predict that Arctic ice could melt enough to allow for commercial shipping year round. The U.S. is one of many countries wit…

The submarine USS New Mexico surfaces through the ice during a Navy exercise in the Arctic Ocean last month. Scientists predict that Arctic ice could melt enough to allow for commercial shipping year round. The U.S. is one of many countries with claims in the Arctic.

Whether one is more susceptible to religious parables or scientific findings, the very real effects of contemporary climate change are happening at a stunning pace. (read more)